The harp in Feldkirch, Vorarlberg and Europe
With an estimated 300 harpists of all levels and ages, Vorarlberg has an extraordinary density of harp-playing people and, with the Stella University of Music in Feldkirch, also offers a geographically very central and easily accessible place to attract harpists and enthusiasts from all over Europe.
Last but not least, the Feldkircher Harfentage (Feldkirch Harp Days), which have been held annually for 15 years, show with their up to 50 active participants how a low-threshold, supra-regional exchange is possible and radiates far into society.
There has not been a European Harp Symposium since 2007. This means that there is no platform that enables exchange and networking outside of competitions or on a larger scale. In addition to numerous smaller festivals, only the World Harp Congress has remained, which, after 2008 in Amsterdam, did not reach a city in Europe again until 2023 with Cardiff.

The initial spark
The 100th anniversary of a harp from the legendary Erard company, which once belonged to the famous Italian harpist Clelia Gatti Aldrovandi, is the occasion at this symposium to celebrate the harp and its rich history. This instrument, which with its Gothic-Victorian decorations provides a glimpse into the past, but at the same time premiered today’s standard works by Hindemith, Casella, Rota and many other composers of the avant-garde under the hands of Clelia Gatti Aldrovandi, connects the past with the future in a unique way. This should be an occasion and incentive for all of us to cultivate, develop and carry our heritage into the future.
At the same time, the harp class in Feldkirch celebrates its 40th anniversary. From the State Conservatory for Vorarlberg to today’s Stella Private University of Music, a large piece of Feldkirch and Vorarlberg music history has been written. The Alpine folk harp has provided the foundation on which international students now come to Feldkirch and make their contribution to further development.
The European Harp Symposium „Stellae Matutinae“
The spirit of the European harp symposia was characterized by collegiality, openness and shared responsibility. Through them, young talents came into contact with their role models, often swapping roles as actors and listeners. Through exhibitions, as well as seminars and workshops, an atmosphere was created in which curiosity was inspired, inspiration was shared and one or the other career aspiration was created.
Since it is not only about internal exchange, but rather about anchoring oneself in society, conquering the stages and dealing with the challenges of our time that affect us all, this symposium can draw circles into broader layers of art and culture enthusiasts. Last but not least, the variety of the instrument surprises again and again and rewards the listener with impressions that have a long-lasting effect.
The buildings of the former Stella Matutina offer themselves in an almost fateful way. The reference to the morning star, which announces the day and conjures up the future, the rich educational history of the place and the young Stella Vorarlberg Private University of Music offer the perfect foundation for the new edition of the European Harp Symposium.